A sampling of results and impacts from completed New York Sea Grant-funded research projects, written during the period February 1, 2009 – January 31, 2010
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An Outbreak of Malignant Neoplasia, Branchial Adenocarcinoma, in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica from Oyster Bay, New York
R/FBM-30, Allam / Sunila / Bowser / Casey / Dove
Marine diseases represent the major threat to aquaculture activities. This project investigated a new outbreak of a disease affecting oysters, Malignant Branchial Adenocarcinoma in the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica from Oyster Bay, New York which was described, characterized and its geographical distribution determined.
Affected oysters originated from a single grow-out location previously diagnosed as being free of neoplasia from 1998 to 2003. Since the discovery of the first case in September 2003, 148 cases of branchial adenocarcinoma in 866 market size oysters (17 % prevalence) have been detected. Oysters from four subsequent year classes at the affected site displayed the disease. Wild oysters collected nearby to affected oyster beds were negative with regard to adenocarcinoma.
Results from this project were used to initiate a study comparing the effect of different production methods on disease prevalence. The results of the study showed that the disease appears to show after oyster seeds are moved to the field and planted. Thus the hatchery/nursery production process does not appear to be the source of the disease and it rules out the risk of transfer/spread of the disease during seed trades within NY and out of state.
The specific cause of Branchial Adenocarcinoma remains, however, a mystery and research is ongoing to unravel the mysteries of this new disease.