The following are three sets of business card size fact sheets developed by NY Sea Grant.
They are meant to act as a quick reference guide to a variety of specific topics surrounding seafood.
Each card has been made available in PDF and PNG (2.5 x 3") format so they can be easily downloaded and printed at home or professionally.
If you have problems downloading any cards or would like them in a different format for use please contact NY Sea Grant's Seafood Specialist: Michael Ciaramella, E:, P: (631) 632-8730.
Sections on this page: Set 1: Identifying Fresh Seafood | Set 2: Handling Seafood | Set 3: Preparing Seafood
Set 1: Identifying Fresh Seafood back to top
#1: Identifying Fresh Fish: Fillets and Steaks
#2: Identifying Fresh Fish: Whole
#3: Identifying Fresh Fish: Frozen
#4: Identifying Fresh Shellfish: Molluscs
#5: Identifying Fresh Shellfish: Crustaceans
#6: Identifying Fresh Shellfish: Molluscs
Set 2: Handling Seafood back to top
#1: General Guidelines for Handling Seafood
#2: Handling Fresh Fish
#3: Handling Live Crustacean
#4: Handling Live Molluscan Shellfish
#5: Handling Fresh Shellfish
#6: Storing Leftover Seafood
Set 3: Preparing Seafood back to top
#1: Thawing
#2: Cooking Finfish
#3: Cooking Shellfish
#4: But I like it raw! Finfish
#5: But I like ‘em raw! Shellfish