NYSG's Social Media Review: January - December 2016
By Paul F on Jan 6, 2017 at 1:13 PM

If you're a subscriber to our e-list, www.nyseagrant.org/nycoastlines, then you likely received the Summer 2016 issue of our flagship publication, NY Coastlines / Currents (Table of Contents | Constant Contact Version). Our next issue is slated for release by late Winter 2017.
As we publish our e-newsletter 1-2
times a year, we supplement it with a monthly "Social Media Review" blog (at www.nyseagrant.org/blog), which serves as an e-digest of top stories trending at New York Sea Grant (NYSG) as well as our program's federal parent agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), as well as its various line offices and partner organizations.
Below you will find links to the issues of that e-digest in this, our "Social Media Year in Review" for 2016.
Also, here's where you can keep tabs on our latest coastal science news via www.nyseagrant.org ...
Homepage Tabs:
In addition to what's featured in the rotating image bar, new content
is quickly indexed in this section on our Homepage—top New York Sea
Grant news stories are filed under "Featured" and new social media entries can be found respectively under the "YouTube," "Blog," "Facebook" and "Twitter"
tabs. Some users who are not yet subscribers of our social media
platforms find these tabs useful. And it's a plus if after perusing the
content in these tabs encourages folks to start following us on any and
all of those platforms.
Currents: This
section of our Homepage offers any new announcements as well as the
best ways to stay connected to NYSG and its content, which, from the
looks of our #TrendingTopics area, ranges from
clean/safe boating and coastal youth education to climate change,
seafood safety and many other topics in-between.
News: Subscribe to our RSS news feed alert feature for our Currents (News) and / or Press Releases
via the orange and white button found in the "Follow Us" section at the
top of any page on our Web site. The links to these news feeds are,
respectively, www.nyseagrant.org/rss/currents and www.nyseagrant.org/rss/pressreleases.
Funding Opportunities: You can keep tabs on our
fellowships and requests for proposals at www.nyseagrant.org/proposals or via our RSS news feed alert feature, www.nyseagrant.org/rss/fundingopportunities.
Social Media: Also found in the "Follow Us section at the top of any page on our Web site are links to our social media channels: Facebook (www.facebook.com/nyseagrant), Twitter (www.twitter.com/nyseagrant) and YouTube (www.youtube.com/nyseagrant).
December 22, 2016
CLIMATE DE-ICES SANTA'S RUNWAY >>> NOAA's latest Arctic Report
Card details climate linkages with the massive decline in sea ice and
snow being seen ... Also in NYSG's "Social Media Review": Winter safety
tips, a summary of 2016's hurricane season as well as the latest stats
on drought and climate ... NYSG wraps-up its own recent news, including a
new round of fellowship opportunities. More >>

November 23, 2016
SUNRISE, SUNSET FOR STORMY WEATHER >>> As Hurricane season wanes, winter's snow storms wax. NOAA offers its outlook for the season, a e-tool to see when you might expect your first snowfall and how might La Nina impact our weather in the coming months. Also, the latest U.S. and global climate and U.S. drought data and much more ... More >>

September 9, 2016
STORMY WEATHER AHEAD? >>> Although summer is winding down, the U.S. hurricane season is heating up. NOAA has the latest severe storm predictions as well as fall weather safety tips and current U.S. and global climate and U.S. drought data. More >>

July 22, 2016
SUMMER'S HEATING UP >>> As much of the U.S. grapples with higher summer temperatures during this"heat dome" period, NOAA finds the nation experienced its warmest June on record. Also in this issue: Tips on heat safety, swimming safe, marine debris, ocean protection and severe storm preparedness; Stats on drought and disasters. And NYSG offers its top news stories from the last month, which include funding and training opportunities as well as chance to provide your feedback on the focal points of our coastal science research and education program. More >>

June 10, 2016
The Atlantic Hurricane Season has begun and NYSG has you covered when it comes to being prepared. In addition to offering severe storm awareness tips, studies on human behavior when responding to these storms and the 2016 seasonal outlook, this month's review offers U.S. and global climate and drought figures from NOAA, some background on the impact of harmful algal blooms and what you can do to both swim safely this summer and protect our nation's waterways. More >>

May 6, 2016
CHECKING OFF THE LIST >>> Under the spotlight are NOAA's U.S. climate and drought figures, global climate data, citizen science opportunities and severe storm awareness ... Also, NYSG has upcoming events, stewardship activities, funding opportunities, everyday "Earth Day" tips. More >>

April 8, 2016
THE FIRST 50 >>> NOAA's National Sea Grant College Program begins its year-long look back over its last 50 years of "Bringing Science to America's Shores" ... NYSG has upcoming events, stewardship activities and funding opportunities ... Also, all the climate, weather and drought news trending at NOAA and its line offices (including Sea Grant). More >>

March 4, 2016
ALL ABOARD >>> Get a glimpse into what went on at the Central New York Boat Show last week as NYSG prepares its education program for this year's upcoming boating season ... The National Sea Grant College Program begins its year-long 50th Anniversary campaign ... Also, all the climate, weather and drought news trending at NOAA and its line offices (including Sea Grant). More >>

February 5, 2016
PERPLEXED PUNXSUTAWNEY? >>> Phil didn't see his shadow earlier this week, but how is his track record when it comes to predicting the duration of our winter? Also, get the latest climate and weather news and a wrap-up of the coastal science stories making headlines at NOAA, Sea Grant and other line offices. More >>

January 8, 2016
A CHILLING MUST-READ >>> We've begun a new year (2016) and a new season (winter), and so year-end climate and weather news tops this first wrap-up of the coastal science stories making headlines at NOAA and its line offices (including Sea Grant). Also, we have student fellowship opportunities and upcoming stewardship activities. More >>
